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What's Happening



Mark Your Calendars

May Events

May 5th – Merit Awards


May 5th- Academic Signing

10:30 AM

· The AP Calc exam 


May 14th & 15th – Senior Finals


May 18th -Senior walk at elementary schools for those who want to participate

**Times will be sent out later

May 18th – Scholarship Night



May 18th & 19th – Senior Checkout

All day 

All Sports Banquet - May 19th

The Grads Program

Our next issue will feature a Spotlight article on Mrs. Lauren Peterson and The Grads Program


Want to write for the broadcaster? Email us!

DHS Cheerleaders Perform in New Year's Day Parade in London!

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DHS Clubs

Shoutout to Deming High School teachers who go above and beyond in  the classroom to support students in extra-curricular programs and activities. 


ProStart is selling chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day. $12 a dozen 

Art Club

Check out the Gallery tab at the top of the page to view current work on display at the Deming Art Center for the DHS Student Art Show. 


Science Olympiad

DHS Science Olympiad Team competed at the  Southwestern Science Olympiad Regional Competition.  Joseph McGinnis and Chris Clyde won 3rd place in the Code Buster event. 

DHS Science Olympiad Team.jpg


NMSU Choir worked with Ms. Gill's choir class. Selected students attend All State. 



Preparing for the Music Performance Assessment. Playing at all the home basketball games. 



Visit from the Pre-K Rainbow School.


National History Day

NHD performs well at Southwest regional Competition.


Andres Gonzales and Pablo Camacho show off the trout they recently caught at Pit Park. Be sure to have your fishing license!

Student Submissions

National Honor Society paints bottles and serve at Annual Cancer Support Dinner.

The Chargemaster and the History of Hospital Billing

By Gavin Hatch


Hospital billing costs have been on the rise for the past several decades, especially in the United States, due mainly to demands from health insurance companies and a document known as the Chargemaster. Even though America’s healthcare is by no means the best in the world, the U.S.A. still spends the most by far on healthcare per person—more than double what both Japan and the United Kingdom spend according to data collected by the Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network. The reason for this is because hospital charges in America are wildly inflated.

Around a century ago, hospital billing was pretty straight forward. A hypothetical blood test costs the hospital around five dollars to preform, so in order to maintain a profit, the hospital would charge the patient about seven-fifty. Then, after the great depression made it difficult for hospitals to get paid for services, Blue Cross was formed under the auspices of the American Hospital Association (AHA) in 1932. Blue Shield was established by medical societies in 1939. By 1948, Blue Shield and Blue Cross accounted for about 9 percent of total healthcare costs, and that number tripled within a decade. This meant that by 1958, nearly one-third of America’s population was enrolled in one of these two insurances, mainly Blue Cross.

Blue Cross paid each hospital in their network on a per diem basis—the average cost of a day of care in that hospital plus a small supplement. Hospitals did not object to such a payment system because Blue Cross did not require a hospital to collect deductibles or coinsurance payments directly from patients. Later in the early 50’s, an alternative form of health insurance was developed based on the principle of “indemnifying patients for the costs they incurred”, according to Christopher P. Tomkins of Health Affairs, “Such indemnity insurance products

often required patients to pay a deductible and coinsurance to a hospital directly”. Both systems coexisted for some time as different privately owned and government owned insurance companies were created. Every insurance company created after 1970 basically followed one of these two templates.

Because of this, after the rise of insurance companies, hospital billing got extremely complicated. This was due in part to the fact that most of these insurance companies demanded huge discounts for most of their customers. It simply wasn’t financially possible for hospitals to give into these demands, but if they didn’t, it was likely that these insurance companies would pull them out of their network, meaning they wouldn’t get as many patients and the hospital would lose funding. In order to solve this problem, these hospitals made their billing wildly overpriced, and gave the insurance companies a discount off of that fake price instead. For example, it costs a hospital less than one dollar to use an IV bag, but due to these new fake prices, it costs insurance companies upwards of $137. A neck brace is worth, on average, about $25. Instead, insurance companies are charged $154. As of 2013, a single stitch costs as much as $500. In less than a decade, hospital prices went from reasonable to nonsensical.

The list of these inflated prices is kept in the hospital’s Chargemaster, a document that all hospitals have and most people never even know about. Your insurance pays these ridiculous prices every time you go to the hospital. If you ever lose insurance, or you aren’t insured in the first place, you must pay these fake prices. And even if you are insured, you can still be affected by the Chargemaster. You can be billed these inflated prices if you go out of network, and anything can be out of network—from the hospital you go to, the equipment used to treat you, even the doctor you see. Hospitals make millions of dollars charging people for going out of network, and it’s all perfectly legal. Worse, every hospital has its own Chargemaster, meaning

that one out of network treatment might cost $1,000 in one place, and in a hospital across the street the same treatment might cost $10,000—and you really don’t have a choice which hospital you’re rushed to in an ambulance. Also, since your insurance company is being billed this inflated cost, that can trickle down to you in the form of higher premiums.

The reason hospitals get away with this is equally ridiculous. The healthcare industry spends more on lobbying than the oil and defense industry combined. And the worse thing is, we need to go to the hospital, so there is no incentive for the healthcare industry to change how it does business. This form of business revenue is called captive audience, and it’s something to be wary about. Because the average American needs medical care on a somewhat regular basis—and there really isn’t anywhere else to go to get that medical care—hospitals can charge basically whatever they want.

The Death of Kobe Bryant and Eight Others

By Katelyn Diharce

On Sunday January 26, 2020 the lives of 9 were taken and thousands of others were affected by the people. On the helicopter were mothers, fathers, daughters and coaches. Nine lives that have affected everyone in a different way. The names of those on the helicopter were: Kobe Bryant age 41, Gianna Bryant age 13, baseball coach John Altobelli, his wife Keri, friend Alyssa; mother and daughter Sarah and Payton Chester; Basketball assistant coach Christina Mauser and pilot Ara Zobayan. For everyone affected that day will always have a remembrance of what could have happen if they didn’t get on that helicopter. They say that Kobe and Vanessa made a promise to never ride a helicopter together just in case something would happen. On January 29, 2020 three days after the accident Vanessa Bryant made a public announcement, it went on to say that her and her daughters are thankful for the support, and that what has happen is devastated but she knows that Gigi and Kobe were loved and are shining down on them and everyone. Every social media since that day, has posted things about the ancident, but one thing that everyone should realize is that you truly never know when youre time is up, so hug youre love ones, say I love you, live in the moment. Be the happiest you can be. LIVE NOW. Enjoy where you are at and do not focus on the future just yet. You never know when its going to end

R.I.P to those who lives were lost

Prayers to all the family and friends

National and World News

Trump Acquitted in Senate Final Vote


By Anthony Calderon

The Novel 2019 Coronavirus is spreading more and more with each day. And with each new case, comes a new stir of controversy. Chinese whistleblower, Li Wenliang, has recently passed away after being infected with the coronavirus. Li Wenliang was one of the first people to warn about the severity of the disease. However, the Chinese government did not take this warning lightly and detained, then forced Wenliang to sign a document to admit to lying and essentially breaching the law.

However, with over 30,000 infected and over 600 deaths, it is easy to see Li Wenliang was right. And with new theories suggesting that China is suppressing the number of deaths and infections, the story is not over for the coronavirus.


Thankfully, the Novel 2019 Coronavirus has not reached New Mexico. However, the New Mexico Department of Health is already preparing for the worst.  You can read more about what New Mexico is doing here.



Yu, Verna. “‘Hero Who Told the Truth’: Chinese Rage over Coronavirus Death of Whistleblower Doctor.” The Guardian, The Guardian, 7 Feb. 2020, Accessed 7 Feb. 2020.


By Gavin Hatch

The Beginning

The European Economic Community (EEC) was established in 1957 and would become was the precursor for today’s European Union. It was made up of France, West Germany, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, and was put in place with the signing of the Treaty of Rome. It was what was hoped to be the final attempt at securing economic cooperation between the aforementioned European countries, allowing for more loose trade and, hopefully, less strained military relationships. It allowed free flow of goods and people, eliminating borders between countries in the community. In 1973, The UK finally made its way into the EEC, but was quickly having second thoughts. In 1975, just two years later, The UK held a referendum (a public vote), to decide whether or not they should stay. The results came in with a 67 percent of citizens opting to stay, separated mainly by geographical location. The UK’s main administrative counties and regions, along with Northern Ireland, voted in majority to stay, while only Shetland and the western Isles chose to leave. Political affiliation also played a major role in both the outcome of the votes, with many political parties such as the Labour party becoming split on the issue. This split ended up becoming a separate, Pro-European party known called the Social Democratic Party. In 1984, after Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s campaign to lower the British payments to the EEC budget, tensions began to come to a head. The UK was one of the poorest nations in the European Economic Community at the time, yet it was paying much more into the budget than other countries because of several economic drawbacks. Thatcher negotiated a reduction of Britain’s contribution from twenty percent of the EU budget to about twelve percent, which has stayed in place till this day.

In 1993, the Maastricht treaty went into effect creating the European Union (EU) with which the EEC (now shortened to just EC, the European Community) was a major component. The new EU was made in hopes of integrating Europe’s countries both politically and economically by including common foreign policies, citizenship rights, and for most members of the EU, a common currency—the Euro. In 1997, the Labour Party’s Tony Blair was elected as Prime Minister. He was extremely pro-European Union and worked to rebuild ties between the UK and Europe. There were several roadblocks, however, as the EU put several trade policies and bans in place in order to restrict British beef exports due to the “mad

cow” scare of the late 90’s. Battles for trade rights on other products went on between Britain and the EU for years, including the imposed chocolate ban, where British chocolate was blocked from the rest of Europe for years.

With economic unrest providing a stark backdrop for a continually growing migrant problem, supporters for a British Exit—Brexit—from the EU grew in number. David Cameron, Prime Minister at the time, promised to renegotiate UK/EU relations in his next term, should he be reelected. A referendum was held in February 2016 to once again decide whether or not to stay or leave. Results came in with a majority choosing to leave, though by a margin of less than two percent.

The End

Theresa May was elected to be Prime Minister that same year following Cameron’s resignation. She announced her intention to invoke Article 50 of the European Union, giving formal notice of Britain’s intent to leave the EU. On March 30, 2019, Britain was set to make its departure from the Union. That day however, Parliament rejected May’s withdrawal agreement, and set the new deadline for October of 2019. The EU adopted a stance of strict refusal to renegotiate the Withdrawal Agreement. Soon after the rejection of her plan, May resigned. After Boris Johnson became prime minister on 24 July 2019 and met with EU leaders, the EU changed its stance. A revised withdrawal agreement was decided upon and endorsed by both the UK government and the EU commission publicly. Johnson’s campaign was heavily focused on the “get Brexit done” slogan, with which he promised a deal that would finally deliver on the ideas of his predecessors. With Johnson in the main seat, the Conservative party gained an 80-seat majority in parliament, which subsequently introduced a bill to ratify the withdrawal agreement. It passed its second reading in the House of Commons and became law on January 23, 2020.

Exit day was January 31, 2020 at 11.00 p.m. GMT.

The Pros:

As its much to early to tell is the promises of Boris Johnson and the British Brexiteers will pay off, going over the ideas and with which Brexit was campaigned upon will give us an idea of the steps the UK government is planning on taking going forward.

1. Brexit is hoped to play an important role in helping quell the immigration problem currently irking the UK government. Membership in the EU guarantees open borders with which European citizens can move from country to country, some of which who are using welfare without justifications and flooding the economy with cheap labor. Leaving the EU is hoped to solve said immigration problem.

2. Moving out of the EU will also hopefully allow Britain to establish sovereignty from Europe. EU parliament pass laws that benefit Europe, but not necessarily Britain, and Brits have to follow those laws whether they put them in place or not. Leaving the EU might sever those legal ties and allow the UK to work completely under their own laws.

3. That sovereignty will also allow Britain to make its own trade laws. Membership in the EU guarantees certain rights and opportunities when it comes to trade, however, several people argue that the UK can stand on its own two feet and doesn’t need to trade in the EU. If this works out, it could promise Economical Independence.

4. Members of the European Union pay an average of £12 billion every year in order to remain a member in the European Union. Brexit will cause Britain to become a completely separate economy from the EU, not having to abide by European Economic rules and regulations, and there’s an argument that the UK will prosper because of that.

5. For these reasons (and lots of others) some brits think pulling out will return Britain to its former glory, with tighter borders and greater sovereignty for their island nation.

The Cons:

Some people, however, have some misgivings about pulling out. Pro-Europeans are no small piece of the UK population, and their doubts are of no small consequence.

1. Around 3.5 million jobs in the UK might depend on EU membership. Leaving might cause manufacturers that have remained loyal to the EU to go abroad.

2. Plenty of the top British scientists come from elsewhere in Europe. That might change in a huge way now that Britain is out of the EU. Research and Development in the UK might be at major risk of falling behind. The UK also receives a relativity large allowance from the EU for research

funding. That has a high likelihood of vanishing with Britain’s recent departure from the European Union.

3. For those Brits that wish to emigrate to the EU, that just got doubly hard because of the now closed borders.

4. Security might also become a massive problem now with the lack of support from the rest of Europe. If for any reason Britain were to get into a military altercation with another country, there’s no guarantee they can count on the other European countries to back them up.

That’s about 0.5% of the arguments for and against Brexit, but now that it had gone through, there’s not much UK citizens can do but wait for their government to either deliver the promises of its campaign, or try and manage the fallout that might descend upon the nation.

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